Awk, sed, shell all words in INPUT.txt find in column1 of TABLE.txt and replce with column2 in

Hi dears
i have text file like this:

001_1_173    j                          nuh                        ]az
001_1_174    j                          ]esma.                        nuh                        ]/.xori

and have another text
like this

j j
nuh word1
]az word2
]esma. word3
]/.xori word 4

i want to that all words in INPUT.txt find in column1 of TABLE.txt and replce with column2 in.

for example output must like that

001_1_173 j word1 word2
001_1_174 j word3 word1 word4

column1 in INPUT.txt must copy in column1 of OUTPUT.txt .
number of columns in INPUT.txt not the same.

thanks all.

Hello alii...

First of all put your requirements inside code tags

 something like this 

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Next, what have you attempted so far.
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Which shell is your preference.
What are the OS and Shell versions that you have.
Your _preferred_ utilities to attain the results...

awk '
NR==FNR {w[$1]=$2; next;}
{for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) if ($i in w) $i=w[$i]; print $0;}
' TABLE.txt INPUT.txt
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One might also consider explaining how the 3rd column in TABLE.txt is supposed to be used.

It appears that you want ]/.xori to be translated to word4 , but column 2 in TABLE.txt on the line with ]/.xori has word in column 2 on that line and 4 in column 3; not word4 , Your description didn't say anything about a column 3 in TABLE.txt . :confused:

thanks all
i use UBUNTU 16.04 LTS
it's ok.
may explain your code?

so another question
i have INPUT
like this
see last column
number of columns different in one
some row have 12 , some 11

CodeGender Age Grade Dialect Session Sentence Start End Length Phonemic Phonetic 
63 M 27 BS/BA TEHRANI 3 4 298320 310050 11730 j j 
63 M 27 BS/BA TEHRANI 3 4 310050 311430 1380 ( a 
63 M 27 BS/BA TEHRANI 3 4 311430 312080 650 ] ] 

and two TABLE text like this.have two columns.

j feat1
a feat2
j sp1
a sp2

I want to add two columns to INPUT
search last column of INPUT in TABLEs text and add correspond columns to INPUT
(i think can merge TABLEs like j feat1 sp1)
and output like this

CodeGender Age Grade Dialect Session Sentence Start End Length Phonemic Phonetic feat sp
63 M 27 BS/BA TEHRANI 3 4 298320 310050 11730 j j feat1 sp1
63 M 27 BS/BA TEHRANI 3 4 310050 311430 1380 ( a feat2 sp2
63 M 27 BS/BA TEHRANI 3 4 311430 312080 650 ] ]
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sorry about that
thanks for your guides