awk, sed, grep...weird style

my desired output is like this:

so the thing is, I only need to show every of this part out

but the frequency of that data is not fixed, so sometimes it may have 4 lines, or 6 lines or whatever in that file. However, the last line will always have empty space/line below it.

What's a good criterion for identifying those lines?

grep xxxx file

pass your output result to sed

sed 's/^ *//'

they are one single word, but may not be similiar

huh? i don't get your meaning

cat file | grep xxx | awk -F"*" '{ print $2 }'

Useless Use of Cat! Useless Use of Grep | Awk!

awk -F "*" '/xxx/ { print $2 }' file

I don't think that does what was requested, though. I'm not sure, however; it would still help to get a sample of the expected output.

the best....

awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1

bump need help

Don't bump your question, forum rules

Vsl Voy Port Sz Cat Wt Block Slot Row Qty Crane OperCode ResvFor
carrier name 6113A xxxx 40 GP M U02 25 8 1 0
*some space* xxxx 40 HC M U02 25 8 1 0
*some space* xxxx 40 HC H U02 25 7 3 0

Please redefine your data sample.

i can't do more than one spacing, but there are five spacing between the first word and the 0th position

Try this:

 awk '/xxxx/{p="xxxx";print substr($0,index($0,p),length($0)+1-index($0,p))}' data.file

If you still need help, use code tags to post a properly formatted sample.