Awk or other?

Hi Guys,
Greeting from Poland :wink:

I have a problem.
Using grep I list from file two information: IP and date
I want only uniqe IP and related with them date (first) on the output

awk -F" " '{print $1,$4}'|sort|uniq

dont work beacuse of not uniqe value $4 (date)

Please help me :slight_smile:

 awk '!a[$1]{a[$1]++;print $1,$4}' filename 

There is an awk idiom to do that, (awk arrays can be indexed on anything similarly to Perl's hash constructs), however here's a Perl solution until someone comes along to remind us the correct way to do this in awk.

perl -e '
   @record=split /\s/;
print "IP Address\tFirst Used\n","_"*80;
for (keys %firstUsed){
   print "$_\t$firstUsed{$_}\n";'   FILENAME

Update:And it's faster to type than the Perl solution, I must really invest some time in awk :wink:

Thank You very much :slight_smile:
