AWK multidimensional array

In a single dim. awk array, we can use :

<index> in <array name>

to determine whether a particualar index exists in the array or not.

Is there a way to achieve this in a awk multi dim. array ?

I am not sure if multi dimensioning is supported in awk.
Anyhow we can achieve same result by combining (may be with a delimit) multiple fields.

Am sorry , I didnt get that.
Do you mean if the multi dim array is a [3,2] array then we need to :-

3 in &lt;array name&gt;  AND  2 in &lt;array name&gt;


echo 20 | awk '{ ndx="1,1"; a[ndx]=$1; } END { for (ndx in a) { printf("%s-->%s\n",ndx,a[ndx]); } }'

may be something like this

GR8. this works. thnx very much.