awk how to search strings within a file from two different lines

Hi, i would really appreciate any help anyone can give with the following info.

Thanks in advance.

I need to run a search on a file that contains thousands of trades, each trade is added into the file in blocks of 25 lines. i know the search has to take place between a time stamp specified and ends with a greater than character ">", i then need to search for two strings of digits held within the 25 lines on different lines and then set these up as variables so i can calculate the % of VAR1 to VAR2.

I've managed to get the script to work by running a read to set the time and ">" and then use the variables as my awk search string /$TIME/,/^\>/
but i'm then piping to awk and sed mulitple times which makes it look messy to gain the variable figures. (Will try to cut/paste the script in tomorrow at work)

Example of the file (underlined the search string and variables)

2011-06-05 23:04:43 data time stamp file setting
proc(1) in(34) ty(55)
ft(67) tg(56) fg(67) fd(78)
fg(67) fg(89) df(67) Tot(100)
fg(87) fg(ty) ina(67)
pre(89) fg(43) (ui) gh(45) 
rf(89) f(rt) ina(34)

Change the awk record separator so it is one record.

Sorry i have no idea what that is suppose to mean ?

You can use the ">>>>>" as record separator, like this:

awk 'BEGIN{RS=">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"; FS="\n"} {print $2}' infile

proc(1) in(34) ty(55)

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A hint should be sufficient to learn to fish: awk change record separator tutorial - Google Search