awk between items including items

OS=HP-UX ksh

The following works, except I want to include the <start> and <end> in the output.

awk -F '<start>' 'BEGIN{RS="<end>"; OFS="\n"; ORS=""} {print $2} somefile.log'

The following work in bash but not in ksh

sed -n '/^<start>/,/^<end>/{/LABEL$/!p}' somefile.log

try this sed code

sed -ne '/^<start>/{
' filename

I get:

# sed -ne '/^<SUMMARY/{N/LABEL$/!d}/<SUMMARY/,/\/SUMMARY/p' mylog.log
sed: Function /^<SUMMARY/{N/LABEL$/!d}/<SUMMARY/,/\/SUMMARY/p cannot be parsed.

Im actually using <SUMMARY as start point and /SUMMARY as end point.

don't type it in same line..
just type as i showed

With awk:

awk '/<start>/{p=1}/<end>/{print;p=0}p' file