Awk and Variables

I have some files in metrica (assume a pre-defined format) which i need to process and have some values in a .csv file. The script that does this, part of which is:


    $CATCMD $fileIN | \\
    awk -f scripts/OMParser.awk -v host=$host >> $fileOUT


procMetricaOMData $host $fileIN output/om/$om-$app.csv

The Awk script goes like this:

BEGIN {FS=" "; printf("%s,", host)}
$1 !~ /^#/ && $1 !~ /{/ && $1 !~ /}/ && $2 !~ /{/ {
if ($1 == "start") { printf("%s:%s,", substr($2,1,2),substr($2,3,2)) }
else if ($1 == "end") { printf("%s:%s,", substr($2,1,2),substr($2,3,2)) }
else { printf("%s,",$2) }
END {printf("\n")}

The expected output should be something like:

HOST,WEEK,WEEKDAY,day,node,HOUR,start,end,SAMPLING INTERVAL,TotalRequest,MSRequest,NWIRequest,SMSBrequest,SMSBack,SMSBNack,MSRequestSuccess,NWIRequestSuccess,SMSCCongestion,ApplicationCongestion,InvalidParameters,MSIllegalSubscriber,MWIllegalSubscriber,ApplicationUnavailble,UCPError,SMPPError,




When i run my scripts under Cygwin, everything works fine and the output is as expected.

When i run this script under Solaris OS using /usr/bin/awk, the output is:

HOST,WEEK,WEEKDAY,day,node,HOUR,start,end,SAMPLING INTERVAL,TotalRequest,MSRequest,NWIRequest,SMSBrequest,SMSBack,SMSBNack,MSRequestSuccess,NWIRequestSuccess,SMSCCongestion,ApplicationCongestion,InvalidParameters,MSIllegalSubscriber,MWIllegalSubscriber,ApplicationUnavailble,UCPError,SMPPError,




Here, looking at the 2,3,4th line, the first field (hostname) is not populated.

When i run the script using /usr/xpg4/bin/awk, i get the following error:

/usr/xpg4/bin/awk: file "/opt/redknee/traffic/scripts/OMParser.awk": line 2: /{/: syntax error Context is:
>>> =" "; printf("%s,", host)}
>>> $1 !~ /^#/ && $1 !~ /{/ <<<

Looking at the man pages for awk, i could make out that /usr/bin/awk does not support variable assignment (guessing). But when i tried to use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk, i get this error. I do not have an option to use gawk and have to use the awk that is available by default in SUN OS. Any idea what might be going wrong? I wish to have the value of a variable (hostname in my case) i use in my script to be populated within the AWK script. Is there any other way to do that?

Help is much appreciated.

Enclose the variables in single quotes.


On Solaris the default awk is /usr/bin/awk i.e the original (and old) awk, AKA oawk on some systems. The default awk does not support the -v assignment option.

To use a more modern version of awk on Solaris, you can use either /usr/bin/nawk (new awk) or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk.

The problem with you awk script is that you are not escaping the left brace in your ERE (extended regular expression). Braces have special meaning in EREs.


  $1 !~ /^\#/ && $1 !~ /\{/ && $1 !~ /\}/ && $2 !~ /\{/ \{


 $1 !~ /^\#/ && $1 !~ /\\\{/ && $1 !~ /\}/ && $2 !~ /\\\{/ \{

In nawk you should take care that -v should be entered after '' and not before.

That was awesome and quick! All i had to do was fix the opening braces and everything is working fine with /usr/xpg4/bin/awk!

Really appreciate your help guys. Thanx to everyone.