Avoiding rc.local file during reboot


I am tryin to install custom software during the linux reboot.

So,I have changed rc.local file, but unfortunately I have added a code that

is going on a infinite loop. And now I am in a pick.

Is there anyway that I can avoid rc.local file while reboot.

Can anyone help me with this?


Depends which distro you're on. If you're on something which uses runlevels, you can bring the system to a runlevel where rc.local is not executed (assuming it's not set to run in all available runlevels). See the telinit and inittab manual pages for an explanation. On the system where I write this (Ubuntu) runlevels are not really used, but it looks like simply booting into single user would avoid running rc.local; this also appears to hold on a Debian system I'm looking at (which in turn seems to have copied this stuff from Mandrake, basically) and there's even a comment in /etc/rc.local which says it's executed in multiuser run levels ("only", you are tempted to add).