Autosys job in UNIX

Hi all,

I am new to Unix.

I would like to create a Autosys job in Unix. Can you please suggest.

below is the requirement.

  1. Need t Send in email every 30 minutes from 11 am to 3:00 PM. E-mail should only be sent ONLY when below Query have data return.
 select * from emp where trunc(joining_date) = '16-AUG-17' and designation='MANAGER'  and EMP_NO='543498'

2 Email Format :
To: <Group 1>,<Member1>, <Group 3>
Email Subject: Notice1
Email content: <data return from above query>


It is not necessary to open more than one thread for one topic. I left this one open and closed here.

Please do not open several threads for the same topic again. Thank you.
