Automated Network DHCP Registration Application 1.0.2 (Default branch)

ANDReA is a LAMP-based system for registration of network clients using DHCP. Splitting the network into "boot-net" for unregistered users and a "real-net" for registered users makes it possible to gather information about users in the network. Additionally it is possible to detect active services (FTP, WWW, a game server, etc.) and unregistered computers in the network. It is mainly used for LAN parties.*License: GNU General Public License (GPL)Changes:
This release depends on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS the support of Ubuntu 6.06 ran out. The only new feature is that the firewall can be configured for TCP and UDP ports per client computer. Three bugs have been fixed. Installation works with an existing MySQL password. Delay when rebooting has been fixed. An activated client firewall config could not be removed.
