Attaching 1TB external drive to SunFire v880

I have a 1TB external drive that I want to attach to a SunFire v880 server which runs on Solaris 9. After attaching the external drive what commands should I issue so that the drive will be seen by the server?

what kind of external drive?

and is data already present on the disk ?

The drive is a 1TB external drive that we normally attach to windows machines. I guess it is a FAT32 one. Thanks for your response.
There is data but I can easily format it, I don't need the data.

so i guess it is a USB drive. the v880 has two usb ports which are for a keyboard&mouse. i've never tried to run an usb drive on such a server. some thoughts that might be usefull:

  • the usb ports might be really slow (because they are for HID; not for storage)
  • solaris and usb storage is by itself on the slow side (my experience)
  • maybe the drive won't be found at all (chances might be better with a more modern os version)

I seem to recall a topic like this before, which unfortunately didn't go too well... It's possible these ports are not full-fledged USB ports but just use BIOS support for keyboard and mouse.

I've done this before and from what I remember use:

rmformat -l

to tell you the device name eg. /dev/rdsk/<device>s2

Turn off volume management use:

svcadm disable volfs
/etc/init.d/volmgt stop

depending on the version of Solaris

Run fdisk to configure a partition use:

fdisk /dev/rdsk/<device>s2

Write down a filesystem use:

newfs /dev/rdsk/<device>s0 (eg. for partition 1)

Mount the filessytem use:

mount /dev/dsk/<device>s0 <mount point>

Something like that! Hope that helps. No guarantees!

Thanks I will give it a try when I get back to my country.