Attach multiple index.html file using mutt

I want to attach multiple index.html, index_v2 file using mutt command

basically i want first index.html and then index_v2.html file as a body in email , these html files are test reports

I am using following command , but it is over writing , any help appreceated :wink:

mutt -e "my_hdr Content-Type: text/html" -i  index_v2.html -i index.html -s " Functional test reportS" </dev/null 

These html file may contain different mark-ups, style-sheets and the like merging them is not a trivial matter - you are probably best looking for an external tool that can merge them before you call mutt, eg htmldoc:

htmldoc -f outfile.html index.html index_v2.html
mutt -e "my_hdr Content-Type: text/html" -i  outfile.html -s " Functional test reportS" </dev/null
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I wanted to try this but in our node htmldoc is not installed , i dont have permission to install. however i was able to send multiple attachments

using mutt in the following format

mutt -e "my_hdr" Content-Type: text/html" -i index.html -a testreport.html -a testone.html -s "message " </dev/null

it send email with expected format , also my message body with some other unexpected data like following is displayed , is there any way i can avoid these message in the body

 --G4iJoqBmSsgzjUCe Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline