astahttpd web server 0.1-beta3 (Default branch)

astahttpd is a modular Web server for Linux written in pure PHP, mainly targeted for PHP developers. It supports alias directories, URL rewriting, Basic and Digest authentication, gzip and deflate content encoding, virtual hosts (IP and name based), CGI script processing, bandwidth limiting, and add-on modules. License: GNU General Public License v3 Changes:
Digest authentication. A modular architecture. Currenly available modules: mod_auth_basic, mod_auth_digest, mod_bandwidth, mod_cgi_header, mod_cgi, mod_encoding, mod_rewrite, mod_status, and mod_vhost. Bug #1887560 (CGI header was not handled properly), bug #1885235 (errors not properly handled on external gzip), and bug #1885216 (missing compression level on external gzip) have been fixed.
