[ask]same but not same (variable and line of file)

hi all.
I'm new to bash programming.

I have a problem with compare bash variable and string from text.

for example.

# I wanted to get maximum page (in this case 16)

cat "page.html" | while read line
	# I want to read line with pattern something like this <page>Page 1 of 16</page>
	if [[ $line == *"Page "*" of "* ]]

		# I don't really know how sed or awk works, but I found this command produce what I wanted (16).
		echo $line | sed -e's/<[^>]*>//g' | awk '{print $4}' > "pageCount"

#and then I want to compare content of file with my own variable.
#I'm using this command.

c=$(cat "pageCount")

if [[ $c == $temp ]]
	echo "same"
	echo "different"

I expect the end result will be "same", but actually the result is "different".
how come?

When I echo these two variable, they show same value.

echo "$c $temp"	#will produce 16 16

I'm really confused now and really need help.:confused:
thanks for helping, and sorry for my bad english.

Post a sample of your html file (with the line containing the page numbers).
There must be a one-liner (i.e with grep) to extract the page count.
Something like

grep -E '<page>Page [0-9]+ of [0-9+]</page>' page.html

Tell us what's the output of this command.