App for internet access on unix terminals

I am trying to find out what I should install to provide internet access and browsing possibilities on multiple unix terminals. Can anybody help?

There is a program which you can use for internet acces on terminals (only text based). It is called lynx. It is a nice browser but only text based.

the problem is that it should be graph. Can I provide access trough a linux server for those terminals?

Linux can provide graphic interface to temrinals by using programs like vnc. So you have a nice linux desktop on each terminal with all to tools and programs which are installed on the server like netscape or mozilla.

I'll try adnd keep you posted, tnxs!!!

Wow! great product!!

I tried windows version and it's amazing. Now I will try on my Linux.

But my mouse is not working when i use VNCviewer but I managed to run it through WebBrowser!!

Thanks for info jurrien