
I am tring to configure Apache so that it displays the ip address of
users browsing the web in the header.
mod_header is installed on my apache as default.

I tried including the following in httpd.conf file but no joy

Header set remoteip %{REMOTE_ADDR}

I have also tried

Header add remoteip %{REMOTE_ADDR}e

but this did not work either

it just displays
remoteip: %{REMOTE_ADDR}e

instead of the ip address.
I have read the online documentation but still no joy

I am testing this by issuing

telnet web_server 80
GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: myhostname

can you help? please
I am running apache_1.3.27 on sun solaris

Thanks in Advance

You can try the Virtual Host Function

we are running 1.3.26, on solaris, pretty much straight out of the box. Our logs give us the ip address info. Ever think of stepping back to the default httpd.conf?

you can easily get their IP in the logs by editing the httpd.conf