Apache w/ "Coverity Prevent" cannot start... please hellp!

I am trying to start the apache server on 11i for Coverity Prevent using following command:

[coverity@fshpbld2 coverity]# cov-start-gui --datadir /qa_home/coverity/data_dir-4.3.0
cov-internal-httpd not running.
For further information, see '/qa_home/coverity/data_dir-4.3.0/logs/error_log'
[coverity@fshpbld2 coverity]#

the error_log contain:
[coverity@fshpbld2 coverity]# cat /qa_home/coverity/data_dir-4.3.0/logs/error_log
[Mon Jan 12 11:33:49 2009] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
[coverity@fshpbld2 coverity]#

The successfull execution of above command should start the daemon : cov-internal-httpd, which it fails to start.

The httpd.conf file is:

[coverity@fshpbld2 data_dir-4.3.0]# cat httpd.conf
ServerRoot "/qa_home/coverity/data_dir-4.3.0"
DocumentRoot "/qa_home/coverity/prevent-hpux-pa-4.3.0/cgi-bin"
TypesConfig "/qa_home/coverity/prevent-hpux-pa-4.3.0/config/mime.types"

SetEnv COV_DATA_DIR "/qa_home/coverity/data_dir-4.3.0"
SetEnv COV_BIN_DIR "/qa_home/coverity/prevent-hpux-pa-4.3.0/bin"
SetEnv COVERITY_TEMP "/qa_home/coverity/data_dir-4.3.0/tmp"



ServerAdmin support@coverity.com

<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
AllowOverride None

DirectoryIndex "cov.cgi"

DefaultType text/plain

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

EnableSendfile Off

PidFile "httpd.pid"

LockFile "/qa_home/coverity/data_dir-4.3.0/tmp/accept.lock"

StartServers 5
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
MaxClients 50

AcceptFilter http none
AcceptFilter https none

ErrorLog "/qa_home/coverity/data_dir-4.3.0/logs/error_log"
CustomLog "/qa_home/coverity/data_dir-4.3.0/logs/access_log" \
"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"

MaxRequestsPerChild 0

Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 5
UseCanonicalName Off
ServerTokens Prod
ServerSignature Off
HostnameLookups Off

Listen 5467 http

[coverity@fshpbld2 data_dir-4.3.0]#

I have older version of the Coverity Prevent installed on the same machine which successfully starts the GUI but this problem is occurring only for the latest version of the tool.

I have even reported the problem to Coverity, but they also found it quite peculiar. I tried to google the error, but didn't find the satisfactory answer. Thought of sharing this with the experts like you, any help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.