Apache module development on apache 2.2

I'm new to developing modules for Apache. I understand the basics now and can develop something simple which allows a 'GET' request to happen, but what I want to do is actually 'POST' information to my site. I know the basic POST Request works and I can see that it is post by looking at request_rec->method. but what I can't seem to find is the information related to that post ie text message. would that be in the request_rec somewhere?

Also while I'm here, I need to set and retrieve cookie information is there any API infromation related to that?

Please help.


In CGI, you have to read the POST data from stdin, sometimes just one line, and decode it.

A cookie is set by an HTTP Set-Cookie line and retrieved from $HTTP_COOKIE: Cookie Specification CGI is funny tht way, making you write almost all the output HTTP but reading most of the incoming HTTP for you. CGI Variables

The usual languages (PERL,Ruby,JAVA) have libraries so you can not know a lot of this.

Hi thanks for the response.
But I'm not trying to develop using CGI, I'm trying to develop the .so modules that can get added to Apache. I think there must be an API to get this information but the documentation is not clear.
