Apache 2.4 User/Group option with svcadm

Hello all,

Solaris 11.

Asking for some assistance in trying to understand how Apache24 works with svcadm.

I used:

svccfg -s network/http:apache24
setprop start/user=<rabbit>
setprop start/group=<pod>

This is also set in /etc/apache2/2.4/httpd.conf as User and Group, but when I start the service it runs as the config default:


If I run from the command line /usr/apache2/2.4/bin/apachectl it runs as the user and group, but might not create the log files as that user.

Is there a proper way to configure the service? I tried searching and can't seem to find the correct search words to find a match.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. If you can point me to a reference that would also be great.


It may be that you would be better setting this user up to have the "role" of starting and running the service - there is some documentation [here and here.
