Antivirus Programm for Solaris Desktop


I�m searching a antivirus solution for Solaris Desktop
PC�s (Intel).

Can anyone tell me more about some producer??



I am not familiar with one but to be honest, there isn't much need for several reasons. First, most viruses are written to attack Windows boxes and wouldn't run under Solaris or the files it was looking to modify would not be there. Second, the possible damage from a Solaris virus would be limited to the permissions of the user that executed it, and root should never receive email from humans.

Thats right,

but mails will be send from solaris desktop system to other
pc�s (e.g. windows with attachment star-office. star office is available for windows and solaris).


As such I know, I think that there can be no threat about the possible virus attack's for unix flavoured OS's. As there is lot of security check's that has to passed before tampring the System. Till know I have never come across, about virus attack & damage being caused on Unix flavoured OS's. Hence I hope u need not bother about Viruses attack's on Unix Flavoured Technologies OS's.

99.9999 percent of all virus' are due to vulnerabilities and 'features' in Microsoft operating system designs. The do not apply to UNIX-based systems. If 99.99999+ of the problems are MS based, and 0.00001- percent is UNIX based, it may not be a good use of your time to worry about the 0.00001- percent problem. You many have other things (I know we do and other clients agree) that there are better ways to spend your time and resources.

An old thread but relevant.
My manager is asking one of my colleagues to install anti-virus on both the Solaris and Linux desktops and maybe even servers. This is something I have never concerned myself with other than a Linux web proxy server many years ago (I used clam).

Some of the Solaris servers do serve out CIFS so I suppose you could argue a use for that. My concern is that other than rootkits (which I am not even sure the a/v would find) would any of you install A/V on Solaris/Linux?

Hey! very nice tips. It is necessary to provide security system to our data. So that i use Search And Destroy - Top Anti-Spyware Software 2008 antispyware product which assists to keep away from the risks.