Allow unresolveable domain in AIX5.3/Sendmail 8.13.4

Is there a way in AIX5.3 with Sendmail 8.13.4 to accept a sender address with an unresolvable domain? I've read about the option:


But can't seem to confirm if that option is available in this version of Sendmail.

If it that feature is not available is there another way to set Sendmail to accept any sender address, resolvable or not?


I have not played with files in MANY years, and that was before you used m4 to configure

The FEATURE() mechanism you mention is based on using m4 as input. I would ask on a sendmail forum - I would guess that there are more people who will be able to help there.

Just know, AIX does have m4 and the sendmail.m4 files for you to experiment with.

Hope this helps - a little bit :wink: