AIX/awk date to unix timestamp


I am inside a awk script on AIX, I am feeding to awk ls -luNR

i need to convert ls -u time format "month day h:m/yr" to Unix epoch time, POSIX time, or aka unix timestamp

I do not have strftime funk in my awk, and i have to do this fast meaning that I cannot do a system call in the awk, as my ls returns +40 million files and a system call would slow it down too much.

here is a simple test script, what is the date2epoch CODE I need? Any thoughts, there must be a non messy way?



ls -luNR ${dir} | awk  '

NF >= 9  {
epoch="date2epoch CODE?"

print m " " d " " t " = " epoch


take a look at this link (when the system comes back online).