AIX 6.1 : Problem with cifs and win2012.

i want to connect a shared folder on a server w2k12 by cifs "mkcifsmnt", but without sucess, i tried to do the same on w2k3, it works, but both on win7 and w2k12 doesn't work, is there any suggestions about this problem, thks in advance.
My aix version is 6.1

Please be more specific about "doesn't work". What exactly do you do on Windows and what happens? Does anything appear in the relevant logs on AIX?

tks for reply, when i try doing this :

root@DEV:/> mkcifsmnt -f /SITEWEB -d abonnes -h -c root -x 777 -p 123456789
Error 2 reading credentials, line 2
Error 2 reading credentials, line 2

i've already created a user "root" on the machine with password 123456789 on machine windows. ??

the shared directory on the machine windows abonnes is read, write for all users incuding "root".

My suspicion is you haven't used the chcifscred / mkcifscred command to create the necessary credentials in the file /etc/cifs_fs/cifscred .

Use the command lscifscred to display the stored credentials and read the respective man pages for the details about CIFS credentials and their management in AIX.

Furthermore, please describe your problem better. Post all relevant data, explain what exactly you did, how it failed (if it failed at all), post all relevant logs, diagnostic messages, error codes, .... pertinent to the problem. It helps yourself analysing your problem and it helps us as well assessing what might have gone wrong.

I hope this helps.
