AIX 5.x OpenSSH choot and non-root owned

Good day. I was looking at implementing a chroot environment using openssh. I know I can use the sshd_config file and dictate that it is to use chroot for a specific directory for a user/group. However, the issue with this is that it is has to be root owned. To my knowledge, there is no mount --bind option in AIX.

What I am attempting to accomplish:
folder used by multiple people. They want a new user created that can sftp in and have access to a specific folder only, and NO access to the rest of the file system.

I was initially thinking on using a chroot environment, and have the user put into their own folder (owned by root of course) which would then have a mount --bind command used to have that mounted file system accessible within the jail. However, I don't believe that AIX does a bind mount.

Is there another way of accomplishing this ?

One thing I tested the other day is:
install proftpd with chroot + TLS mod
Then have user login via ftps (filezilla is ftpes) which would changeroot into the folder I specify, which apparently doesn't have to be root owned. Then modify their default shell to something like /usr/sbin/false.

I'm just looking for the best method, hopefully without having to install additional software onto the AIX server.