AIX 5.3 sudo bootinfo

I am trying to understand why I get "0" returned when I run the command sudo bootinfo -r. I know bootinfo isn't really supported in versions higher then AIX 4.2. I also know that instead of bootinfo -r I could use lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem | awk '{print $2}' and produce the same output as bootinfo -r.

From the command line I get the following when running bootinfo:

> sudo bootinfo -r

I had root user log on and run the command:
[/root]> bootinfo -r

So obviously the bootinfo command works when ran as root.

This lead me to believe that maybe my sudo rights are set up such that I do not have true root power on everything. So I go and look at the sudoers file. This is what I see.

%fsrvqeps-sudo ALL = (ALL) ALL

So then I think maybe my id doesn't belong to group fsrvqeps-sudo. When I check that though I do see the following.


Is there something I am missing here?

Anyone have ideas on this one?