AIX 4.1.5 Hard Drive Trouble


I has a problem with my machine not viewing all of my hard drives. I do a df -k command and it shows hd 0 - 7 however I am missing 2 of my hd.

I then do a ls command in the root directory and it shows all of them but I am not able to access them. They are mounted and act like they are ready to go but can not be accessed and ideals?

i dont have aix 4.1.x so all the below info is for aix 4.3.x mabey it can help.

how many drives do you have in the machine? i assume 10.

i am also assumeing:
1) you installed all the disks and ran cfgmgr
2), and you allocated the disks to a volume group
3), and create logical volumes
4), and then mounted them?

you can use commands like lspv to find out all the physical volumes installed.

2) Create volume groups
#mkvg -y "vgname" hdiskn; varyonvg vgname
#EXAMPLE: mkvg -t 8 -y "vg1" hdisk1 hdisk2 ...; varyonvg vg1

3) create all nessary Logical Volumes
# Create a FS for the Logical volume
#crfs -v jfs -l lvname -m /mountdir -A yes
#EXAMPLE: mklv -y'lv03' -c'2' appvg 32 hdisk1 hdisk2

Just a simple additional question:
are you logged in as root when giving the df -k command or trying to access these drives?

df -k is not going to report anything differant if you are logged in as root or any other user.