Adding CR to ascii data file generated on AIX platform and will be transmitted to Windows OS

I desperately need help converting ascii data file generated on AIX platform that contains dollar sign ($) at the end of each line in the data file as shown below.


This is the AWK command for adding CR to the new line.

awk '{sub("$","\r\n"); printf("%s",$0);}' inputfile > outputfile

When I execute this AWK command to add Carriage Return before the new line it works fine from the command line like shown below.


but it add double CRs like CRCRLF in the ascii data file when is executed as korn shell script as shown below.


Do you have a suggestion on how to resolve this issue. Any help is appreciated.


The script you used:

awk '{sub("$","\r\n"); printf("%s",$0);}' inputfile > outputfile

would produce double spaced lines (with a carriage return at the end of the 1st line of every pair. To get what you wanted, you could try:

awk '{sub("$","\r"); printf("%s",$0);}' inputfile > outputfile

or more simply:

awk '{print $0 "\r"}' inputfile > outputfile

Also see if your system provides a unix2dos utility.

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