accessing a variable or array of one script in another

hi all, i've a requirement like this.

i want to access the contents of an array declared in one script,which is a bash script, to a second script which is a perl script.

actually i want a sort of global variable which can be accessed in other script
like environmen variables and also i can unset them whenever i need!!

plz help me...

thanks in advance..

perl has a builtin hash containing shell variables. you can access anything in the parent shell like so

# for a shell variable named 'VAR' the value of '$VAR' is accessed thusly:

thanx varontron !! but my actual problem is stated below!!
here is the script

declare -a ${tab}_fld;
   echo -n "enter ${tab}_fld[$i] :";read ${tab}_fld[$i];

eval echo \${${tab}_fld[3]};

 export  ${tab}_fld;
 export tab;
 perl -e '
   print ("$tab\n");
  print ("env: $ENV{'"$tab[3]"'} \n");
$ ./ hell
enter hell_fld[1] :1
enter hell_fld[2] :2
enter hell_fld[3] :3
enter hell_fld[4] :4
syntax error at -e line 4, near "hell["
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.

i want to access the 'hell_fld' array declared above.
infact, i want access the array in through another script like ..

 print ("$tab\n");
 print ("env: $ENV{'"$tab[3]"'} \n");

is there any way to make this possible? plz help.


no replies yet.....plz help somebody.