About to give up on XEmacs 21.5.29


I am hoping someone out there can help me. I have been writing code for in-excess of 10 years. Throughout all this time I have used Xemacs. I have picked up bits of customizations here and there over the years, but would not profess to be anything of an expert in Lisp (or have a heavily customized experience). I have recently been forced to use 21.5.29 because it is the only version that seems to be available for distribution I am using (RHEL 5.4).

I have spent a large amount of time trying to get my (up to now perfectly working) custom.el to work. It just simply doesn't seem to work. All my c/c++ highlighting is gone etc. I have attached the files I use. Is there some fundamental problem with this version of Xemacs? Or how do I get a 21.5.29 compatible version of the file to work.

I am on the verge of giving up the affair with Xemacs as it has become just too hard to get versions that work. If there is a guru out there that can help me, I would appreciate it, otherwise I am bound for another editor.

Yours hopefully

sorry files attached (as gzipped tar file)

Here is some other relevant information

cat /etc/*-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Tikanga)

rpm -qa | grep xemacs

For all those who are interested, the solution was quite easy.

The xemacs-packages-base-20090217-4.el5 rpm only contains the very basic set of packages. This is why my custom.el was failing as it referenced a load of stuff that was in packages that weren't present.

I took the approach of getting everything and downloaded the sumo packages tarball (all available xemacs packages)

Can't post url, however simply google the following, it is available on the xemacs site.


Once downloaded, simply untar to the following location
(it untars into the directory xemacs-packages). Restart xemacs and bob is your uncle, fanny is your aunt......

Thanks for all the responses..........