A test to ensure TCP/IP configuration is complete

Greetings. I have Debian lenny, and at the moment only the bare bones install, no GUI. I'm connecting via wireless to a Linksys router on a home network, and I manually configured a fixed ip etc during the install. I have not attempted to use any higher level apps such as ftp or telnet or apt yet.

If I can ping to the outside world using a domain name, e.g. ping unix.com, is that sufficient to tell me that my basic tcp/ip configuration is complete and correct?


I'd say so ... but you may want to ping some local machine, too, as well as use some other machine to ping the one in question ...

i would recommend using something like "traceroute" over "ping". ping only checks icmp echo requests...

Thanks, that's what I figured. everything is working great. I can do apt installs and also ssh and file shares using samba locally. duly noted on the tracert suggestion.