A new OSX 10.12.x terminal from the command line.

Hi guys and gals...

After much searching on the good ol' internet I could find nothing, so this is the result.
ALthough many people seem to have asked this question no-one seems to have a solution so here we go.

I need for AudioScope.sh, 'xterm' to run a second program for some of its calibration using the same machine.
'xterm' no longer exists on OSX 10.12.x Sierra, it can be installed but it is unavailable on a virgin OSX Sierra install.

Hence the code below.

Place it into your '$HOME' drawer and call as per the code comments.
Remember to change the access rights before you go.

This incarnation is called 'NewCLI', anyone remember that? ;oD
But you could just as easily name it 'xterm' if you wish. I have both in my '$HOME' drawer.


# Usage: ./NewCLI ["/full/path/to/program"]
# A little bit of the ancient AMIGA in here... ;o)
# Save this script into your "$HOME" drawer.
# As 'xterm' is no longer available with a default OSX 10.12.x Sierra
# install then this is a workaround to have more than one terminal called
# purely from the command line.
# The new terminal will be directly underneath the current terminal.
# Just move the current terminal out of the way and, voila, a second
# terminal with its own environment variables will show.
# '$1' is an optional "/full/path/to/program" argument to be run inside
# double quotation marks as shown.

/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal "$1" &

This will place the window of the new instance of the Terminal.app in front.

open -F -n -b com.apple.Terminal
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Hi xbin...

I looked all over and not a reference like that could I find. Perhaps it is my searching method that needs polishing... ;o)
However thank you for enhancing my knowledge further.

Both methods are equally useful for my needs...

The '-g' switch was needed for my application to place it into the background and keep focus on the original terminal...


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