A C++ programing Shell on Win


I need to translade the power of unix command shell (grep, sed, awk, wc, etc..) to windows.

In my work every day I administrate 15 unix server ans 18 windows server, and I have the problem the absolutly limitation of windows shell. I�m a system administrator but I know programming.

I want to make a Windows program that imitates the power funtions of unix shell commands, a win-shell I want to know what it�s the best programming lengauge to make this.

Thanks in advantage.

P.D: Sorry to make this question in this forum instead of a programmin forum, In programming forum usually not know much of Sistem administration

You can get win32 ports of many common UNIX commandline utilities including but not restricted to sed, cat, tar, and some sort of shell from the UnxUtils project.

Do Cygwin or MinGW fit your needs?