80 bytes per line ???

I am creating ASCII file from Oracle procedure into Unix box.

I undertstand there is NO CRLF as I am writing it into one complete string .. but need to know what is best way to format the file with 80bytes per line only before handing over to another program.

Thanks in advance

I am creating a ASCII file from Oracle into Unix box.
Can anyone tell me, what would be width of data per line.

How many bytes accomdate in ASCII per file.

Incase I have to control the bytes per line, is there any utility that can be used.

ASCII file in unix is

the datawith in file is long string

so is there any way that this file can have 80bytes char in the file.

Fropm Rules:

You have already posted the same question, wait until someone answers your query.


fold -w 80 test.txt

Actually, there is nothing to do. In addition to not using cr/lf characters, the creating program simply must ensure that line two starts with byte eighty-one and so on.

What does no CR-LF mean? Does it also rule out the '\n' character? If it does, then how do you differentiate between lines?

is there any otherway to break into 80 byte per line with putting a line break...
As fold does not fit in the current schema .

here is the document which says

breaking the lines to have a maximum of width column positions
(or bytes, if the -b option is specified). The fold command breaks
lines by inserting a newline character so that each output line is the
maximum width possible that does not exceed the specified number of
column positions (or bytes). A line cannot be broken in the middle of
a character. If no files are specified or if a file name of - is
specified, the standard input is used.

Now I'm confused. How can you have multiple 80-byte length lines in a file if multiple lines are not allowed?

actully that is another application requires my ascii file with
1.80byte pers line
2.with NO CRLF (as IEEE says :CRLF refers to a carriage-return character ('\r', octal 15, ASCII CR) followed by a line-feed character ('\n')

and I guess fold will create a line-feed charchater

any input

Ok, so like blowtorch said, how could you differentiate between lines if no linefeeds are allowed?

I think you are simply missing the point about having multiple 80 character lines and somehow making these individual lines without some kind of line break. Let's try this.

  1. Process your file with 80 character lines using fold
  2. Pad each line once folded
  3. Use tr or sed to strip the line breaks out of the file

Example creating 20 character records:

typeset IFS=$(echo '\012\001') 
print "This is a line test
This is another line test" | fold -w 20 | while read LINE
    typeset -L20 NEW_LINE="$LINE"
    print "$NEW_LINE"
done | tr -d '\012' | od -x

Output using od:

0000000 5468 6973 2069 7320 6120 6c69 6e65 2074
0000020 6573 7420 5468 6973 2069 7320 616e 6f74
0000040 6865 7220 6c69 6e65 7465 7374 2020 2020
0000060 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
Record 1: 5468 6973 2069 7320 6120 6c69 6e65 2074 6573 7420
Record 2: 5468 6973 2069 7320 616e 6f74 6865 7220 6c69 6e65
Record 3: 7465 7374 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020

Thanks, tmarikle. And don't trip over the terminology. Unix has a definition that a line is a sequence of ascii characters followed by a newline character. By that definition, what is requested is impossible. But the unix definition is not the only possible definition of "line". I would have used "record" but when someone else uses "line" I just go with the flow. In C it is very easy to read 80 bytes at a time:
iret = read(fd, buffer, 80);
is all it takes. The 80 bytes you get from the first read represent the first record or first line. Then you issue the system call a second time to get another 80 bytes. It is not really hard to keep the first 80 bytes from getting mixed up with the second 80 bytes.

OK, tmarikle has provided a solution, but I have a few questions.
The output through 'od' looks fine. But the OP wants to write to a file. If you write this output to a file, you get a single line with no newline char at the end (this will happen no matter how big the file is). If you run the 'wc -l' command on that file, you are going to get the output as 0 (because the wc command will look for the \n char to count the number of lines).

Then as Perderabo has said, the read(2) or fread(3), fgets(3) calls will allow you to read the file in a C program. But how do you do this in a shell script?

I expanded the input to tmarikle's script by adding a couple more lines.

# cat test.sh
typeset IFS=$(echo '\012\001') 
print "This is a line test
This is another line test
And this is yet another
And another!!! What's going on?" | fold -w 20 | while read LINE
    typeset -L20 NEW_LINE="$LINE"
    print "$NEW_LINE"
done | tr -d '\012'
# ./test.sh > test.sh.output
# ls -l test.sh.output
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other        140 Jul 25 10:21 test.sh.output
# wc -l test.sh.output
       0 test.sh.output
ssunsp3:/aditya/sh# while read line; do
> echo $line
> done < test.sh.output

The file created by the above process, and the file created by this:

typeset IFS=$(echo '\012\001') 
print "This is a line test
This is another line test
And this is yet another
And another!!! What's going on?" |  tr -d '\012'

are almost the same. There is no padding for the second file.

So the OP could simply create a file by stripping all newline characters from the file. The application/program that reads the file is going to have to do this 80 bytes at a time, that's all.

In ksh, "print -n" will suppress the newline. Combine that with the \ sequence for using octal values and ksh can write any binary data using only built-in commands. But to read binary data, the way I know is to parse the output from od.


I have a ksh script in which I replace a string with another string that should contain a CRLF. I have added \\n in the REPLACE variable. It looks something like this. If I do not add \\n the replace works correct.

REPLACE='xmlns:xsi="http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2001\/XMLSchema-instAnce" xsi:schemaLocation="http:\/\/input.somewhere.nl\/'\\n$QC_XSD'">'

sed -e s/"$FIND"/"REPLACE"/g infile.xml > outfile.xml

I have searched the forums for a solution. There were lots of them but I couldn't get one of them working. Is this the right direction to or should it be scripted else.

Can someone help me out?
Best regards