2 dollars wrapped to a string


I am writing an awk script and I have got stuck. I am trying to find a word that has 2 dollar signs in it but its failing. I have already tried to escape it with single and double back slash and also I have tried to use \044 in the search but even that doesnt work. can you please help me with the pattern?

input: Hello world $string$
Expected output: string

I have already tried below patterns

echo "Hello world $string$" | awk '/\$.*\$/ { print "match found" }'
echo "Hello world $string$" | awk '/\\$.*\\$/ { print "match found" }'
echo "Hello world $string$" | awk '/\$\$/ { print "match found" }'
echo "Hello world $string$" | awk '/\\$\\$/ { print "match found" }'
echo "Hello world $string$" | awk '/\044.*\044/ { print "match found" }'


Could you please try the following code.

echo "Hello world "$"string"$"" | awk -F" " '{print$3}'

Output will be as follows.


kindly let me know if you have any queries.

R. Singh

Use single quote with echo instead of double quotes, so that shell doesn't interpret $string as a variable.

echo 'Hello world $string$' | awk '/\$.*\$/ { print "match found" }'

Use single quoting to prevent the shell from treating the $ and your test will work:

# echo 'Hello world $string$'|awk '/\$[a-z]*\$/ { print "match found" }'                         
match found

To print the strings that are enclosed by $ in a file :

awk '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++)  if($i ~ /^\$/ && $i ~ /\$$/)  {print substr($i,2,length($i)-2)} }' inputfile


Hello world $string$
def $kk$ df



Two levels of escape, one for the shell and one for the RegExp. Either '\$' or '[$]'

sed -n 's/.*[$]\([^$]*\)[$].*/\1/p' 

echo needs one level (for the shell), either '$' or \$

echo 'Hello world $string$' | awk -F\$ '{print $2}'

You need to use single quote ' not double quote " . With double quote it threat $string as a variable and tries to substitute it.

That was really dumb of me.

may be I was a bit tired to notice the obvious. Anyway, that was a quick and great help. Thanks!!