1. To know the Memory consumed by a process at a time


I am new to the UNIX I want to know what command is used
1.To know the Memory consumed by a process at a time .
2.To know the How many CPU's in a server.
3.To know the RAM size.
4.To know the Hard Disk size.

On a Solaris Box,:


uname -X

ptrconf|grep Memory

Use format command

There is a tool to display all important infos for a SUN SPARC server like CPU,RAM,Temperatures,Fans,Power Supplys,....

Solaris 9,10

# prtdiag -v

Solaris < 9

# /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/prtdiag -v

For hard disk size (for Disk 0)

# (echo 0; echo p; echo p) | format | grep backup | awk '{print $7}'

Hi all

Thank you for helping me by giving this commands. I n future If I come across some problems in Unix I will contact you.

Thank you