?? What ??

What does this mean?

What is this person doing?

[root@laprx5 ~]# ps -eaf | grep http
root      3955     1  0 Jul14 ?        00:00:00 /product/CA/secure-proxy/httpd/bin/httpd -d /product/CA/secure-proxy/httpd -k start -DSSL
tcadmin   6477  3955  0 10:04 ?        00:00:45 /product/CA/secure-proxy/httpd/bin/httpd -d /product/CA/secure-proxy/httpd -k start -DSSL
tcadmin   7509  3955  0 18:48 ?        00:00:00 /product/CA/secure-proxy/httpd/bin/httpd -d /product/CA/secure-proxy/httpd -k start -DSSL
root      7623  7600  0 19:45 pts/0    00:00:00 grep http
[root@laprx5 ~]# date
Thu Jul 16 19:45:59 EDT 2015

Person is likely running a web proxy server built by CA called "secure-proxy" (maybe).

yes but the steps what are they doing or trying to do ?

Looks like they are looking to see if an http server (or something with http as a user or in the execution path) is running.

Then they needed to see what the current date/time is.

There's really not any more you can glean base on two commands.