how To edit exe to insert a serial no wich can be usd by runing exe

At time of installation I have to open the resource. and i have to insert a string serial number in the exe.
please provide me code to edit the exe (in solaris) to insert a serial number which can be used by exe at run time.

Ummm, ssahu, a couple of things need some clarification....

First, we have a few rules here and one of them states....
(4) Do not 'bump up' questions if they are not answered promptly. No duplicate or cross-posting.

I will delete your duplicate thread. Now a lot of newbies stumble over our rules on a first post. So while this is annoying, it is not really a big deal.

But I'm alarmed by what you're trying to do. Edit an executable? To insert a serial number? This sounds like you're trying to install software licensed to another user. And you're trying to make us your partner in crime. That is a big deal. We don't do that here.

I suggest that you contact the author or the owner of the software and ask for assistance.

you are bleming me with out asking me why are your requirement.
This requirement is given me by company so that they can insure that the Executale and installed version are same. this is requirement is make safe your seft against cheeting by customer.

in window version of our software we are able to do this. so they directed me to do this in solaris.

Just a guess, but if you are trying to verify the version of an executable you have supplied then make sure you use some sort of source control for each source file e.g. RCS

Then include an identifier string. For RCS you might use:

static char ident="$Header$";

RCS will replace the $Header$ part with actual information on the source file. When compiled this information will be included to the executable.

With RCS you could then use the ident command to verify the version of the executable.

A serial number/key could be encoded in a similar way for a specific compilation for a client or the version number of the source could be reserved specifically for that compilation for a client.

You might try something a little bit more elaborate. Like reading the value from an encrypted file.

Is this what you mean?

What if a customer signed on to this site and posed the same question? Do you think that we should help him insert a serial number?

What if the customer claimed to be would we know?

What if someone posts some code for you....maybe your customers will see too. We have over 30,000 members and a lot of them use Solaris. Is this the way to protect your product?

Look into the what command, it may gave you a decent starting point to include version information into your software. You would of course have to execute the what command from inside the executable, or find the source for the what command and place it inside of it.

As for editting that value at run-time (or install-time), that's kind of shifty - and not exactly portable. However, if you can read the information, you can write it...provided you do not change the string's size (or be faced with possibly corrupting the string table in your executable).

That's about as much as I can give you. However just realize everything you would be doing is very non-portable considering the differing executable structures on various platforms.

ill also add that even if it is a legitimate reason for you to do this, (im not saying that it is or it isnt...) its not something easily talked through. youd have to learn the concepts and methods of finding this information on your own.