~ expansion in printf


I have a script that at one point prints to a file as follows:

printf -- $2 > ~/.mydir/$1

The idea is to print to a hidden directory .mydir in my home directory. I've already sanitized the inputs and $1 is in the format


and $2 is some user input.

When I run this on my Mac, there's no problem and it works great. When I upload it to the system where I eventually intend to use it, however, it doesn't work quite right. It writes the correct user input to a file located at:


where my_present_directory is wherever I upload the script file to. It's actually making a directory called "~".

Any ideas on how to get this work work as intended?



is only guaranteed to work in interactive shells (and not even then if it's the old Bourne shell as on Solaris).


is the correct portable way to refer to your home directory.

That worked great. Thanks!