Error: No direct declarator preceding "("


while compiling my c++ program, I get the following Message:

/usr/include/iso/math_iso.h", line 84: Error: No direct declarator preceding "("

Does anybody know this?




The compiler is the CC compiler on a sun machine.

here a bit more detailed error message:

CC -I/opt/RogueWave/XMLOL -I. -I/projects/acus81/d2-cdd/develop/bs/worknik -I/projects/acus81/d2-cdd/develop/global -mt -O -D_RWCONFIG=12d -PIC -DRW_XMLOL_BUILD -c /projects/acus81/d2-cdd/develop/bs/worknik/hashtable.cxx
"/usr/include/iso/math_iso.h", line 84: Error: No direct declarator preceding "(".
1 Error(s) detected.
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `hashtable.o'

The whole program includes more than the "hashtable" file, but this file interrupt the compilation.
I tried to compile with the -compat flag. The result was compiled files but I've got Linker errrors(undefinied Symbols...).
The compat flag switches away from the ANSI Standard, so that maybe means this code consists about two different standards?

Is it possible to combine such a mixture of code?
