[?] Does Netflix work on Linux in Firefox?

I've tried to totally ignore Netfix to date, though I might change my mind. But I refuse to keep a Windows box running for any reason.

Is anyone streaming movies from Netflix and watching them on a Linux box?

I went to netflix.com to look for the requirements page. None. OK, how about a FAQ. Found one--no mention of requirements or Linux. Googled and ddged, ...

WAIT. Found one: Netflix Warning! (I sure am glad ddg lets me sort by date.)

So I guess you can stream Netflix to a Linux box.

I'm going to post this anyway in case someone has additional information to offer.

---------- Post updated 07-31-11 at 02:18 AM ---------- Previous update was 07-30-11 at 11:33 PM ----------

Some forums allow you to edit the thread title, but I don't see how here. I'd like to remove '[Solved]'.

That warning message I saw implied you can use Firefox on Linux, but a thread on Netflix' blog has a lot of users that say you can't.

It's actually a delightful read. User after user after user has posted a plea for Linux support!

Apparently it depends on Microsoft's Silverlight, which isn't available for Linux.

Oh, well. I'm not going to run Windows just so I can watch movies.

Given the corporate tendency to attack our privacy, we should be thinking about open-source solutions for *all* multimedia. Including flash.

What we need is for Netflix/MS to release the specs and we build a client. Failing that, perhaps Netflix could use open source standards and work with the Linux community to build an alternate standard for 'nix customers.

Also, we should address streaming TV. I don't even own a TV any more but I would pay a subscription to watch some interesting channels .... like the History Channel, NatGeo, some premium channels (Spartacus), et. al..

it seems some silverlight versions run in wine:
WineHQ - Silverlight
or you can try it in VirtualBox and such.

yes it works for me.

Once again we're the red headed step children of the computer world. :frowning: